Finding Your Life’s Purpose: Does Progress = Happiness?

Link to the Happy Progress Growth Podcast episode “Finding Your Life’s Purpose” can be found here.

During the episode, I was asked if progress equals happiness and my response was a resounding yes. Yes, progress = happiness; however, it’s something that I need to remind myself because it’s easy to become so focused on the destination that we forget that the journey is equally, if not more, important than the destination.

Oftentimes, once we reach our destination, we experience a temporary high because we’ve finally achieved what it is that we’ve set out to do. However, once the high wears off, we return to our baseline level of happiness. Remember how excited you were when you got that new job? Or promotion? How long did the excitement last?

The journey is just as important as the destination because it’s about who we become during the journey that enables us to reach our destination. Maybe in order to get that promotion, you had to take on projects that you’ve never done before. However, in taking them on, you evolved into a stronger and better version of yourself to get the promotion. Remember to acknowledge and celebrate your evolution as much as you do the end result. Remember to enjoy this journey called life.


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